KnuckleBonz® Rock Iconz® Building the “Lighted Stage”
For 17 years, KnuckleBonz Rock Iconz has brought the greatest music artist to life in limited edition statues. We began with the great Randy Rhoads of the original Ozzy Osbourne solo lineup, and are honored to continue to work with the music industry’s biggest artists. Photo shoots at KnuckleBonz are always exciting, but we felt like something was missing with the typical photo set up on white or black backgrounds. While those Rock Iconz shots are necessary to allow fans to see the work clearly on their PC or mobile phone, we wanted something more.
We always talk about those amazing moments of being at a live show just before the lights go out. The road crew is done with the set up and the stage is empty. The crowd noise builds with anticipation, we all sense the band is about to emerge…then the lights go out and your eyes are assaulted by the lighted stage! Are far as we are concerned, there is not greater moment in life. That was the inspiration for us to build our own lighted stage here at the KnuckleBonz studio. With live music on pause, we are still energized to come in to the studio every day and place our favorite Rock Iconz, 3D Vinyl or On Tour collectible center stage and hit the lights! The lighted Stage gives us all energy as we continue to make new KnuckleBonz collectibles for music fans worldwide. #Rock Hard!
Stay tuned for more great Knucklebonz collectibles in 2020, “we have got such sights to show you”…#staytuned.
You can see all the current Rock Iconz Statues and other killer KnuckleBonz music collectibles at
Rock Iconz®, 3D Vinyl® and On Tour™ are registered trademarks of KnuckleBonz, Inc.